Motorbike´s minimalist Rear Lights

All in one
All lighting functionalities are capable of being generated from the device. In addition to the classic ones, intelligent automatic warning warnings are also available.

Robust and intelligent
The device has been designed with maximum durability in adverse conditions, and with intelligence capable of connecting to the latest generation of onboard systems.

Minimalism design
The design of the device allows the integration of the motorcycle lights without the visual impact on the motorcycle design. All lights will be integrated into a mandatory element, independent of the design.
General idea
This product allows you to integrate all the rear lights of your motorcycle into a single device.
It improves the aesthetics of the vehicle and reduces the number of components your motorcycle needs.
Using the license plate holder as a base, this device has a minimal impact on the aesthetics of the vehicle, being able to make more minimalist designs.
Thanks to the design, being a small device, it offers a sufficient illumination surface to be able to perform the functions of the vehicle lights with total safety.

The device is 5mm thick around the license plate. Using a methacrylate license plate as a base, a small illumination surface is achieved with a small device, sufficient to indicate to other drivers the luminous indications of the vehicle.
This device must be added to the motorcycle in the design or upgrade phase, as it has to be homologated as standard due to the lighting characteristics of other vehicles.
Our product is a simple yet innovative accessory designed exclusively for standard acrylic vehicle license plates. It features a frame-like format that easily fits around your existing license plate, adding both aesthetic appeal and structural support. This frame is tailored for use on current vehicles and can be seamlessly integrated into the motorcycle’s fairing, serving as a robust foundation for the license plate itself. Enhance your vehicle’s look with our practical and stylish license plate frame.

The design is registered
An example of functionalities is shown below. The device has been developed at a TRL7 product level, with the respective manufacturing designs of the device, associated HW, SF, etc.
The device is patented and developed the bases, at the time of addition to the design of the bike, the project will be developed under the standards of the brand, with license on the product/patent.

Hello illumination
The device can vary the lighting pattern, as well as its intensity in order to show different aesthetic functionalities to the user, such as welcome lights, farewell lights, etc.
Warning indication
This functionality allows the emergency situation to be transmitted to other drivers. It can be synchronized with the motorcycle system, or activated automatically when sudden decelerations are detected.

Turn Signals
This functionality allows you to transmit directional indications to other users. The indications can be static flashes, such as the classic ones, or dynamic flashes on the device contour.
Brake light
This functionality allows braking to be transmitted to other users. The braking signal can be detected with a direct connection to the motorcycle’s system, or with an advanced system that can detect emergency braking.

More Information
Contact us
This website is a general sample of the product, without going into technical specifications, plans, materials, homologations, etc. If you are interested, please contact us, we will be pleased to help you.
Or write a email to (manuel.losro@gmail.com || alvaroduranperez@gmail.com)